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Black demonstrations, rioting, looting, and burning over alleged police brutality in America

The country is currently in an uproar with mass demonstrations occurring in cities all over the country over allegations of widespread police brutality toward Blacks here in the USA. The demonstrations and rioting has been going on for weeks. Things have even gotten to the point where the liberal, Democrat mayors in cities all over the country (the mayors in essentially all of our large cities are Black and Democrat) are talking about defunding police departments and replacing police with social workers. Can you imagine living in this country with no police protection? And they are not just threatening to defund police departments — they are doing it. Consequence? The police departments are demoralized and many policemen are quitting their jobs. What group of people is going to be hurt the most by reducing police departments? The poor Black areas in cities across the country. Why? Most Black crime is Black on Black. The Blacks, of all people, should support good police departments. The Black areas of many of our large cities, like Chicago, have shockingly high murder rates — almost all Black on Black. The whole thing was sparked by an incident involving the suffocation death of a certain black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis at the hands of a white policeman. The Black man had been resisting arrest. It was caught on video and involved inexcusable police conduct. The policeman held his knee on the man’s neck while the fellow was handcuffed and with his face on the pavement while three other policemen watched and did nothing. The Black fellow was pleading, saying he couldn’t breath, and the officer continued.

These demonstrations have been accompanied by massive looting of stores and burning of businesses. Now it does seem to me that if you give some people the very least excuse they are very quickly looting stores, walking out with great armfuls of merchandise. (All of the looting and burning that has occurred reminds me of all of the looting and burning of cities that occurred in the Black demonstrations of the 1960's.) Large shopping centers, hundreds of stores, and chain stores such as Walmart and Target have been looted and burned at a gigantic price tag of hundreds of millions of dollars in losses. What were the crimes committed by these stores? What is the Black complaint against these stores? Many of the stores were small minority owned stores, stores owned by immigrants who have come here from other lands. What would have been the appropriate response to this kind of behavior? What was the actual response? Nothing. Under mayors orders, police departments held back. Why? Because the black man is a poor, downtrodden person and his anger and actions are justified. Or because we are afraid of him and don’t want to confront him. If we had tried to stop him, had confronted him, some black men might have been killed and then there would have been bigger demonstrations and the liberal press would have tried to paint the government as racist (a charge they are always trying to make against conservatives). See The Daily Signal video showing the destruction caused by rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

If you challenge these looters they will tell you that what they are taking is reparations for slavery (the Left has put the idea in their head that they are entitled to reparation). There is racial hatred here. It is the racial hatred of the Black man for the white man. A hatred stirred up by the trouble-making Left. What really lies behind all of this hatred? How about envy, jealousy?

At the center of all of these demonstrations and rioting is the “Black Lives Matter!” organization (a Marxist organization). The latest is that these protest crowds are desecrating and tearing down our memorials and statues. While they are doing this sensible, conservative type people simply watch in amazement, horror and shock. There is real hatred behind all this. Our young people have been indoctrinated in our schools and set against our system. Behind all this is the wish to destroy our system. And replace it with what? Marxism. And the liberal politicians just watch and attempt to appease them. It is all lawlessness and anarchy. Is appeasement the way to handle this kind of lawlessness?

I really believe that the liberal, pro-Democrat press has a lot to do with all this. They are sympathetic toward the Black man, paint him as abused, downtrodden, and discriminated against by the White man. They are instigators, troublemakers; they sow hatred, stir up the Black man, stir up the entire Leftist community, stir up hatred among Liberals for conservatives, try to paint conservatives as bigoted racists. They hate conservatives and take glee in all of this mayhem.

I have heard more than one conservative talk radio commentator state that 90% of these demonstrators are not Blacks as one would expect but instead white women — urban white women. So I get the picture. Radicalized Leftist white women — simple, naive, highly indoctrinated white women who buy the liberal lie and feel a great sympathy for the poor, downtrodden black man out demonstrating for him and burning buildings.

I personally don’t think there is widespread police brutality in this country and I think the Blacks are generally treated fairly. (I certainly do believe in treating all people fairly.) There surely are bad policemen and bad things do happen in any country. Moreover, Black men have a reputation for crime and violence and it is understandable that policemen who are dealing with criminals every day in the black ghettos of big cities like Chicago, New York, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles, etc. might develop hard attitudes toward Black men (or other minorities) if they come to feel that most crime is committed by them. Anyway the Liberals are making a big thing of this, playing it for all it is worth. It fits their longtime narrative that the Black man in this country is a victim of white bias, prejudice, and discrimination — that the reason for all of the black man’s problems in this country is the nasty, bigoted white man. Well, I don’t agree with that charge at all. I will personally admit that I personally have some negative perceptions of American Blacks (but not foreign Blacks) — especially black males — in regard to a number of things: I think as a group they tend to be 1) very easygoing, lazy, uninclined toward hard work 2) ignorant, mentally under-developed, dumb / badly educated / incompetent 3) inclined toward lawlessness, crime and violence 4) lacking in morals, highly sexually promiscuous 5) tending to have a chip on their shoulder, trouble-makers. It is possible that other white people may have the same perceptions of them. But having an unfavorable opinion of some group of people is not the same as hating them or being unreasonably biased against them. However, having a bad opinion of a group of people may result in discriminatory behavior toward them. Example: Gypsies have a reputation for stealing and consequently I would not hire a gypsy to clean my house (unless I knew him personally and knew I could trust him). Simple good sense would cause me to be cautious of him and skeptical about hiring him (i.e. I would discriminate against him). The same thing may happen to Blacks — they may suffer from discriminatory behavior because of people’s negative perceptions of them as a group. Who wants to hire people of a group that you perceive to be lazy or incompetent or violent or have a chip on their shoulder? I can understand a businessman being reluctant to hire a black person out of fear of getting stuck with a lazy, incompetent worker that might cause him a whole lot of trouble. No one wants trouble. We want to make life as easy for ourselves as possible. Thus, sadly, good Blacks may indeed suffer because of the bad reputation of the group. They may suffer discrimination. But it is not because of the color of their skin. It is because of negative perceptions of them as a group. Yet the distinction between discrimination against a person because he is black and discrimination because he belongs to a group with a bad reputation is a rather fine one and a bit nebulous. But is this kind of discrimination blameworthy? I don’t think so. We all have to act in our own best interests and be guided by our best sense. And as far as the correctness of my negative impressions of American Blacks is concerned, statistics on crime rates will show that the black male is far more inclined toward crime and violence than the white male; school test scores will show that Blacks do much more poorly in school than Whites; and the illegitimate birth rate among Blacks in the US is up around 70% or higher.

I think America’s college educated, intellectual elite liberals are always trying to stir up trouble, create divisions, cause ill feeling. I think they deliberately try to create hatred in the Blacks for Whites, deliberately try to set Blacks against Whites. And I think there are a lot of Blacks who do carry a lot of hatred for Whites. But is this hatred justified? I don’t think it is. I think the Whites in this country have done their best to help the Blacks. It is a fact of life that losers often get to the point where they start blaming their problems on others. I think there is something of this going on here. But it is totally politically incorrect to suggest something like this in this country (or even think it). The only politically correct opinion is that the Blacks are poor, innocent victims of White prejudice, discrimination, and oppression.

We are in an election year and the Democrats want the Black vote and play up to Blacks and try to vilify Republicans. And the liberal mass media who favors Democrats and absolutely detests Republicans plays its part. This is part of the dynamic of what is going on. It is politics with all of its mean, dirty tricks.

The liberals wait for just the right incident to come along and then they strike. This incident involving George Floyd in Minneapolis was the right incident.

I don’t feel that the main mass media in this country is at all fair-minded, balanced, even-handed, objective, or trustworthy. They are of liberal outlook which is galaxies away from the conservative outlook. For the conservative outlook that I represent you must listen to the kind of people that you hear on conservative talk radio — people like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.

I don’t hate Blacks. I have known good Blacks and have friends who are Black. Because there are many bad Blacks doesn’t mean they are all bad. I don’t think most Whites in this country hate Blacks.

The Black problem in America has a lot to do with Black sexual promiscuity. Most Black children grow up in a single parent household — they grow up fatherless. The closest they have to a father is a string of men cohabiting with their mother. They aren’t brought up, taught right and wrong; they just grow up. Do you think this may have something to do with high Black crime rates? Children need the guidance and authority of a moral, good mother and father.

Our welfare system has a lot to do with all those Black problems in America that the liberals attempt to blame on White prejudice and discrimination. Do you think our welfare system might just provide a woman with a motivation to bear children outside wedlock? Do you think children who have grown up under the support of government welfare may be uninclined toward hard work when they become adults — and more inclined to look for easy ways to make a living? I will guess that most of the black families in all of the big city black ghettos of America are on welfare.

“Whether we want to own up to it or not, the welfare state has done what Jim Crow, gross discrimination and poverty could not have done. It has contributed to the breakdown of the black family structure and has helped establish a set of values alien to traditional values of high moral standards, hard work and achievement.” Walter Williams

Walter Williams, the person who said this, happens to be black.

The root of Black problems in America is not bigoted White men. It is Black culture and mentality. It is Black attitudes, Black values, the Black mind.

Black children squander their school years, don’t take school seriously, don’t put in all of that effort and hard work required to acquire the skills and knowledge needed for today’s world, perhaps hardly even learn to read, write, or do arithmetic, and then blame the white man because they are unable to find jobs after graduating. They have graduated from school with the mind of a monkey and then accuse the white man of discrimination because they can’t find jobs. The blame may not be all theirs. Their teachers may have been incompetent Blacks who were not really teaching, only babysitting.

In the area I live in there are a whole lot of illegal Latins. You see them everywhere mowing lawns, doing construction work, doing all kinds of bottom-of-the-ladder manual type work. These people probably came from very poor backgrounds in Latin America, probably received very poor educations down there, and are struggling in a country where they are handicapped by not knowing the language. I have often wondered why one never sees any Blacks doing these jobs. Perhaps these jobs are just too hard and Blacks don’t want them. Or perhaps employers have discovered that Latins are just much better workers than Blacks.

I now want to talk about how truth can be twisted into lie. It is natural not to want to believe something about ourselves that is derogatory. It is not pleasant for a person to hear that his problems are his own fault, that he himself is the cause of his problems. He would much rather believe that someone else is the cause of his problems. It is not pleasant for a black man to hear that the cause of discrimination against him is his own bad character and ways. That explanation makes him look bad. Instead he would much rather believe that the cause of the discrimination is totally unfounded, simple prejudice against him for no other reason than that he is black i.e. that the cause is simple white bigotry. That explanation makes the white man look bad. It makes the white man the bad person. It makes the black man a victim. And this false explanation is the explanation being presented by the liberal left, which includes the most of our mass media. They say if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it. And that is true. It has been repeated so much, it has been assumed so widely by so many people, that the most of the Blacks now believe it. More than that, a lot of whites also believe it. So the truth has been twisted into a lie in this country because that is what people want to believe. Political correctness is involved here. It is not politically acceptable today to speak badly of blacks because they are a poor downtrodden race. But it is politically acceptable however to speak badly of whites. Most people in our Western world are sensitive to “political correctness”. They follow the crowd, they accept the liberal value system, the assumptions of liberalism, and don’t wish to be different. They are not inclined to question and think for themselves.

Most of the large cities in America (Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc.) are either mostly black or have very large black populations and the mayors are almost all black and from the Democrat Party. (And, like all of the Democrats, they hate President Trump with a passion and are happy to perplex and embarrass him.) After this incident involving the suffocation death of George Floyd these mayors were sympathetic with the demonstrators and being Black themselves weren’t willing to use force against them. They just let them loot and burn down the cities — not enforcing law and order, not protecting the rights of people and property owners as one would expect in a civilized country. Police departments were ordered to stand back. The mayors were really cooperating with the demonstrators, encouraging them, backing them.

In actual fact a very large percentage, if not most, of the police officers in at least most of our large cities are Black. So it is not simply a White verus Black issue. Are these Black officers also being accused of brutality against Blacks? Why is it presented as a big racial issue when so many police officers are black? I am guessing that most of the police chiefs are Black. And many are women, often black women. I am guessing that in most cases the people responsible for hiring new officers are Black and the people responsible for the training of new officers are Black. So how does one make a racial issue of this?

In this incident involving the death of George Floyd the Minneapolis police department tried its very best to cover it up. The Minneapolis police union initially issued a statement of support for Derek Chauvin, the perpetrator. In spite of all of the evidence in the way of videos and eye witness reports it was four days before the police actually arrested Chauvin. Without all of the publicity he probably wouldn’t have been arrested. It has been said the police are like a big fraternity in which police take care of their own, protect their own. Police unions protect their own. Justice and Truth should certainly come before personal loyalty however there are usually two sides to every story, issues may not be clear, and police are human, have emotions, have to make split second decisions, and may make mistakes as we all may. And I am sure that there is a certain percentage of police officers who do routinely abuse their power. However, this is all about the tendency of police to protect their own and some amount of police abuse of power. But I don’t think it is a racial issue of White against Black. It is not about White abuse of the Black man. It doesn’t excuse all of the rioting, looting, and burning. It doesn’t justify all of the anti-white rhetoric and hatred.

See It turns out you -can- spot a bad apple. You just can’t remove one

I am sure there is some amount of police abuse of power in every country of the world — in some countries much more than in others (some countries have a real reputation for police corruption). I am sure that there is the problem of misleading and false police reports in every country of the world. I am sure there are police cultures in every country where policemen routinely cover up for one another. Just knowing human nature and the imperfection of man I would expect this. I am sure that everywhere one finds policemen who are less than angels. However, I suspect that here in the USA most police misconduct comes when policemen lose their temper or act imprudently when people don’t obey orders. When people, for example, resist arrest or attempt to run away. One must look at this issue from two sides: From the side of the policeman and the type of situations he has to deal with every day as well as from the other side. Policemen are human and may have to make very quick and hard decisions. And we all make mistakes. If you make things too hard for policemen no one would want to be a policeman. Or at least no sensible person would want to be a policeman. And we do need policemen.

It is a fact of life in America. The black ghettos of our cities are ridden with crime and violence. They are very dangerous places. Sensible people stay away from them. Black men have a reputation for crime and violence. By one way of thinking, one could blame the whole problem of police brutality here in America on black culture and its inclination toward crime and violence. All the Black crime and criminal types in our big cities condition policemen toward hardness, harsh responses.

If America were a country in which all of the positions of power were occupied by Whites then American Blacks might have reason to accuse Whites of oppressing them and have reason to blame them for all of their problems. There might then be reason for Black anger, resentment, and hatred for Whites. But that is not the case at all. Many positions of power in America are held by Blacks. Like so many of the mayoral positions and heads of police departments. Could it be that Black ineptness and incompetence in positions of power might have something to do with Black problems?


We live in a society that is really strange, weird, crazy. Why? It is the political correctness. Our society is distinguished, I think, more than anything else by its “political correctness”. There are some beliefs that are just forbidden. They are just politically and socially unacceptable. One is not only not allowed to express them, one is not even allowed to think them. It is taboo. You can’t say or think them because they will hurt the feelings of some minority group (like the Blacks, gays, or Jews). Well, the problem with this is that these beliefs that are forbidden just happen to be the truth. Thus you are forbidden to speak, or even think, the truth. Just how crazy is that?! Anyone who dares speak the truth is derided, insulted, cut to ribbons. What is the meaning of this? What will be the end for a society that acts so irrationally and foolishly?


 The land of Nombe

 Statistics on Blacks and Hispanics in America

 Police brutality against black people happens way less than public thinks

The Continuing Importance of Thomas Sowell

July 2020

Later note. I have just read the following article which is really shocking. It does cause one to wonder just how policemen are being trained across this country, what they are being taught. Policemen should certainly be taught to treat people politely and decently, to be patient, to use only the minimum force necessary, and to shoot someone only in self defense or when absolutely necessary. If this “warrior mentality” kind of training is widespread then there might be a valid basis for the allegations of widespread police brutality. So much in this world goes on behind closed doors, unseen. The reality can sometimes be very different from what you think. I would certainly hope that, for example, white police forces are not being trained in such mentalities to hold down Blacks. It is understandable that policemen working in black ghettos where there is a lot of violence might develop a “warrior mentality” however I would certainly hope that teaching this “warrior mentality” is not widespread. People should always be treated politely and force should always be the very last resort.

KSP training slideshow quotes Hitler, advocates ‘ruthless’ violence

6 Nov 2020

Later update. 27 Apr 2022. Anyone with any sense would know what would happen if you defund the police. See the following

‘Defund the Police’ Movement Triggered Massive Spike in Murder of Black Americans. So Much for Equity.

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