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Prove: Fundamental theorem of algebra. Every polynomial equation

            P(z) = a0zn + a1zn -1 + ... + an-1z + an = 0

 of degree n ole.gif 1 with complex coefficients has at least one root.

Proof. If we assume that P(z) has no root, then the function f(z) = 1/P(z) is analytic for all z (i.e. it possesses no singular points). In addition,


is bounded. Why? Because |f(z)| ole2.gif 0 as |z| ole3.gif . Then by Liouville’s theorem we conclude that f(z) must be a constant. And if f(z) is a constant, so is P(z). But we know that P(z) is not a constant. Thus we have been led to a contradiction and conclude that P(z) = 0 must have at least one root.

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